A Manifesto for Health

We are the driving force behind our life experience.

Yet too many of us equate health with something outside of ourselves:

A diagnosis.

A prescription.

Another set of rules dictated impersonally in a small, windowless room.

Because we often believe our health is not within our own control, we wait until we are totally out of control to seek healing.

What we miss is that our health is a powerful form of personal and spiritual expression.

It should not be dictated by outside forces.

Our bodies are an important barometer for how we respond to our environment.

If we listen to what our bodies have to tell us, we find that the ability to heal comes from within.

Let’s start a conversation around what health really is.

Health is about taking control and having fun.

Health is an abundance of energy to spend with our family and kids.

Health is an invitation to change our lives and do something different.

Health is life.

So what if we defined our lives in terms of the health of our soul, spirit and consciousness?

That’s what the concept of Diwa is all about.  Diwa is a Tagalog word that refers to our spirit and source of awakening.

It’s about handling the external forces of our environment – from relationships to work and finances – in order to create internal balance.

It’s about an integrated perspective that respects our whole self, not just our symptoms.

When we honor our Diwa, we open to our innate healing power.

When we express our Diwa, we find that life is a FUN and limitless exploration.

Health is life.  Helping you to take charge of yours is why I’m here.

Diwa Health.

Janet Signature

P. S. Please let me know what you think!  I would greatly appreciate any initial thoughts or reactions towards this…

The One Thing

How many times have you made New Year’s resolutions?  How many times have you actually seen them through?

For many of us, the new year means a new start on old habits – sorry to say.

Even if we have the best intentions when making our resolutions with a great jumpstart, eventually our old habits gradually re-emerge and we are back to square one all over again.

Then we are left feeling frustrated and disappointed in ourselves for not following through and making the changes that we really want to make.

Does this sound familiar?

How about trying something different this year?  How about scratching out those New Year resolutions?  I would suggest to not even begin to do them at all.  Stop setting yourself up to fail.

Instead start shifting your focus on daily practices that you can put into action right now.

Resolutions are not necessarily a bad thing.  There is a reason for why we want to make them in the first place.  What comes up is that many of us really want to change something in our lives – to make things better for ourselves.

The problem with making resolutions is that many of us actually make a WISH LIST – HOPING for a sign or a light to shine through for the change we want to see in our lives.

When this happens, there is really NO ACTION taking place.  It’s merely waiting for something good to happen.  There is no drive or motivation behind it.

“Resolve” is making the decision to take a course of action to find a solution to something (such as a problem or issue).

When you resolve something you are making a decision to find a way to make it work or manifest something you really want.

Here are 4 THINGS you can do to help you SHIFT YOUR FOCUS on DAILY PRACTICES that you can DO right NOW:

1) Have a VISION for what you TRULY WANT.  This has to be really compelling in order for this to work for you.  It isn’t something that you SHOULD want.  There is a real difference between WANT versus SHOULD.  If you really want something you should really feel it.  You want the vision to be so COMPELLING that it actually gets you excited or positively charged to motivate you to want to do something about it.  You want it to PULL you versus PUSH you.  The energy or drive should last.

2) Have STRONG REASON(S) for WHY you want that vision.  It has to be strong enough that it will keep you going regardless of whatever challenge or obstacle you may face along the way.  Your WHY is what’s going to drive you towards success.

3) Decide to RAISE YOUR STANDARDS.  When you decide to do this, you will transform your SHOULD to a MUST and find a way to make things happen.  You give it your all.  You compete with your capability.  Then you change your life in a whole new way.

4) Review it and FEEL it every day through RITUALS.  Rituals are actions you do consistently.  It is a daily practice that you create for yourself to help you get there.  This is what essentially backs up your standards – to help you continue to feel it every day.

To help you get started, here are 4 QUESTIONS to ask yourself:

1) What is ONE area of your life right now that you want to improve?  Be as specific as you can.  (Is it your body? Your career?  Your relationship with your partner or mother or father?  Your spirituality?  Your money or finances?  These are some examples.)

2) What are the rituals that have put you there?  What has shaped your current conditions in this area?  Be honest. (Example: If the main area in your life right now is to improve your relationship with your partner, then what are the rituals or daily practices that you have done to keep you in this not-so-good place?  It could be like you don’t greet your partner regularly when you leave for work or come home from work, or make time to let them know how you feel about them, or spend quality time with them, etc.

3) What do you really and truly want?  What is your compelling vision?  Be as specific as possible.  What drives you?

4) What are the rituals that will help you get there?  What would you need to do differently each day to get what you truly want?  List as much as 25 ways to help encourage you to think openly and creatively and tangibly.  Sometimes it takes 25 ways or more to finally get there.

I invite you to do the exercise above to help you shift your focus on creating daily practices that actually serve you for this 2017 new year…

As always, please feel free to share on this blog or email me THE ONE THING you’d like to focus on and improve this year in 2017… I would love to hear back from you.

Helping you to shift your focus on the one thing for 2017 and beyond,

Janet Signature

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